Future Master Award
“Diary Puzzle”Cao Chuxian
Picture Appreciation
Video Appreciation
Work Description

From the perspective of the present, everyone's past memories are fragmented, much like a jigsaw puzzle, with numerous time fragments scattered in the mind. The process of recalling memories is like playing a "jigsaw game". This artwork embodies the process of retracing and piecing together memories. I utilize a Lidar camera with "optical scanning technology" to scan and reconstruct scenes related to several key memory nodes from my childhood to the present. Due to memory gaps and subjective emotions, I subjectively adjust these "scenes" and ultimately form my "diary puzzle".

Expert Reviews

Chen Ke (Dean of the Sculpture and Public Art School, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts):
I find this artwork quite intriguing as it presents a sculptural representation of fragmented segments of the artist's own plans, transforming the abstract forms of their memories into visual spatial forms. The artist's memory puzzle essentially involves scanning and piecing together the most memorable scenes and fragments from their growth process, from childhood to adulthood. Then, using their own sculptural language and materials, they transform it into a three-dimensional form that stands in space. I believe this transformation, achieved through the conversion of three-dimensional digital technology, creates a strong connection between reality and abstract virtuality. The puzzle of memories resembles our current fragmented mode of communication or way of thinking, which aligns well with the social context and cultural attitude of today. Therefore, I believe it possesses a certain level of experimental and exploratory qualities.