Creativity Art Award
"Drinking Together"Ding Xin
Picture Appreciation
Video Appreciation
Work Description

After thoroughly understanding the background of some characters in Identity V, the story of the weeping clown, Joker, touched me the most. Sensitive and timid, he loved but couldn't have what he desired, ultimately resorting to extreme measures to reclaim the power of laughter. But is this love beautiful or ugly? In the final part of "The Republic," Socrates, through a dialogue with a woman named Diotima, explains his viewpoint: "Love is neither good nor beautiful, but also not to be considered as ugly and bad. It lies somewhere in between." "Love is the child of Poverty and Resource, existing between mortals and gods." "Love is the desire for eternal possession of good things." I used this as a connection, relying on the character design of the game, combining elements of ancient Greek attire, beverages, and more to create the original independent artwork, "Drinking Together."

Kuang Jun (Renowned interdisciplinary artist, avant-garde designer):
Upon the first glance, I am immediately drawn to the meticulously crafted characters and visuals in the artwork. The artist's skill in digital rendering allows them to effortlessly depict the beauty of different materials. The fusion of the profoundness of Ancient Greek mythology and the stylized character designs reminiscent of comics creates a sense of anticipation and curiosity about the game being portrayed. I am truly intrigued and excited by the artist's depiction.